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electro (Instagram Story) (2).png

Creating a safe space for all people to learn how to use another device that's starting to become a commonly used tool in the photography industry.

The mobile photography camera has become evolutionary in the past couple of years with many well-known figures in photography and film using it for several projects, and the popular tricks that can be done with it are shown continuously on various social media platforms.

Nita' Ann is an example of sharing her story on how she was able to make the iPhone both a hobby, a side hustle, and now a full-time successful career.

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Nashville 10.21.23

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iPhone Photography I Hobby I Side Hustle I Career

Location: TSU - Avon Auditorium

Time: 6:00 - 8:00pm

Duration: 2 hours


1. About Me - How I Got Started

2. Mindset - Think Outside of the Box

3. Marketing/ Business - Strategy I Used

4. iPhone Photography - How I Create Great Content

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Nashville 1.27.24

electro (Instagram Story) (2).png

iPhone Photography I Hobby I Side Hustle I Career

Location: Private Location (Ticket Must Be Paid First)

Time: 10:00 am - 12:00pm

Duration: 2 hours


1. Introduction

2.  Benefits of iPhone Photography

3. Building a Foundation

4. Editing and Enhancing

5. Leveraging Social Media

6. Transition From Hobby to Side Hustle

7. Career Mode

8. Success Story and Inspiration

9. Q&A

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Atlanta 3.9.24

electro (Instagram Story) (3).png

iPhone Photography I Hobby I Side Hustle I Career

Location: Private Location (Ticket Must Be Paid First)

Time: TBA

Duration: 2 hours


1. Introduction

2.  Benefits of iPhone Photography

3. Building a Foundation

4. Editing and Enhancing

5. Leveraging Social Media

6. Transition From Hobby to Side Hustle

7. Career Mode

8. Success Story and Inspiration

9. Q&A

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